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Carly Shankman on Instagram: "These days were some of the hardest of my life — 3 months postpartum with my 2nd son having extensive surgery on my thyroid and lymph nodes. But despite the unfolding, I ALWAYS knew it was a part of a bigger plan. My cancer diagnosis wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t bad luck. It was part of divine navigation, placed on my path, so I could tell the story of victory, tell the story of healing, and tell the story of faith in action. It was placed on my path so I could be ▶
Carly Shankman on Instagram: "These days were some of the hardest of my life — 3 months postpartum with my 2nd son having extensive surgery on my thyroid and lymph nodes. But despite the unfolding, I ALWAYS knew it was a part of a bigger plan. My cancer diagnosis wasn’t an accident. It wasn’t bad luck. It was part of divine navigation, placed on my path, so I could tell the story of victory, tell the story of healing, and tell the story of faith in action. It was placed on my path so I could be ▶
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baklafication (@baklafication)’s video of describe your best friend ▶
Unhinged Karen & Officer "Right Here" have disdain for the public ~ ID Refusal ~ 1st Amendment Audit ▶
Unhinged Karen & Officer "Right Here" have disdain for the public ~ ID Refusal ~ 1st Amendment Audit ▶
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Joel Vlashof on Instagram: "Working on the most incredible F-35B Rc jet model. All my experience from the last 10 years goes into this model. Finally🍀🍀🥂 We had a nice flight last week so now we go all in! Cannot wait starting your own F-35B model? Go visit @rc_jetprint .com to download your own 70mm vtol printeble version to have some cool flights🤙🤙🤙 vtol *technic *techlover *innovation *3dprint *robot *experiment *rcplane *rcjet *rc *enginering *testing *plane *power *thrust *jet *3dLabpr ▶
Joel Vlashof on Instagram: "Working on the most incredible F-35B Rc jet model. All my experience from the last 10 years goes into this model. Finally🍀🍀🥂 We had a nice flight last week so now we go all in! Cannot wait starting your own F-35B model? Go visit @rc_jetprint .com to download your own 70mm vtol printeble version to have some cool flights🤙🤙🤙 vtol *technic *techlover *innovation *3dprint *robot *experiment *rcplane *rcjet *rc *enginering *testing *plane *power *thrust *jet *3dLabpr ▶
Uncle Neil's Home | 501(c)3 Farmed Animal + Cat Rescue Ⓥ on Instagram: "Please help us give a warm UNH welcome to Pickles ❤️🥒🐷 Pickles joined us in sanctuary after 7 years of living in the igloo shown in this video. She was very reluctant to come with us. Imagine leaving the only home you’ve known for 8 years of your life, even if it is just a fenced in igloo (she was once an indoor pig as a baby for a year). Ultimately, we were able to secure her and get her safely home to sanctuary where we’ ▶
Uncle Neil's Home | 501(c)3 Farmed Animal + Cat Rescue Ⓥ on Instagram: "Please help us give a warm UNH welcome to Pickles ❤️🥒🐷 Pickles joined us in sanctuary after 7 years of living in the igloo shown in this video. She was very reluctant to come with us. Imagine leaving the only home you’ve known for 8 years of your life, even if it is just a fenced in igloo (she was once an indoor pig as a baby for a year). Ultimately, we were able to secure her and get her safely home to sanctuary where we’ ▶
Galli News India | Mumbai News on Instagram: "Mumbai Local Train Stunt ka video viral, Railway Police ne unkown shaks ke khilaf case darj kiya, Logon ko jankari dene ki appeal ki Mumbai me chalti Local Train me stunt karne ke bahut se vidoe saamne aa chuke hain aur Railway police ne aise stuntbaazon ko pakad kar karwai bhi kiya hai Haal hi me social media par ek video viral horaha hai jisme chalti train me ek ladka janlewa stunt perform karte hue dikh raha hai Video viral hone par Central Railwa ▶
Galli News India | Mumbai News on Instagram: "Mumbai Local Train Stunt ka video viral, Railway Police ne unkown shaks ke khilaf case darj kiya, Logon ko jankari dene ki appeal ki Mumbai me chalti Local Train me stunt karne ke bahut se vidoe saamne aa chuke hain aur Railway police ne aise stuntbaazon ko pakad kar karwai bhi kiya hai Haal hi me social media par ek video viral horaha hai jisme chalti train me ek ladka janlewa stunt perform karte hue dikh raha hai Video viral hone par Central Railwa ▶
Country Music on Instagram: "He certainly has a type 😂 (tt kellyybakerrr) Megan Moroney is a rising star in the country music scene, known for her authentic storytelling and distinctive voice. Hailing from Georgia, Moroney has quickly made a name for herself with her ability to blend traditional country elements with a modern flair. Her music reflects her Southern roots, often drawing from personal experiences and universal themes of love, heartbreak, and resilience. With a natural talent for s ▶
Country Music on Instagram: "He certainly has a type 😂 (tt kellyybakerrr) Megan Moroney is a rising star in the country music scene, known for her authentic storytelling and distinctive voice. Hailing from Georgia, Moroney has quickly made a name for herself with her ability to blend traditional country elements with a modern flair. Her music reflects her Southern roots, often drawing from personal experiences and universal themes of love, heartbreak, and resilience. With a natural talent for s ▶
biggest season yet ✔️ worth the wait ✔️ half-way through filming ✔️ enjoy a look behind the scenes of the making of the fifth and final season of Stranger Things! *StrangerThings ▶
biggest season yet ✔️ worth the wait ✔️ half-way through filming ✔️ enjoy a look behind the scenes of the making of the fifth and final season of Stranger Things! *StrangerThings ▶
Julio Rocha on Instagram: "Marque alguém que precisa ver isso!🤣🤣 Os casados vão me entender, mas nós acabamos desenvolvedo um tipo muito particular de medo: a gostosofobia. Quando uma mulher sarada se aproxima parece até que tão mostrando uma cruz e um alho para um vampiro. Eu ajo com a mesma prudência de quando eu dirijo. Ao ver uma mulher com seios e bumbum avantajado em minha direção, automaticamente aparece a placa de sinalização “Cuidado! Curvas perigosas”. Aí neste caso é o contrário de ▶
Julio Rocha on Instagram: "Marque alguém que precisa ver isso!🤣🤣 Os casados vão me entender, mas nós acabamos desenvolvedo um tipo muito particular de medo: a gostosofobia. Quando uma mulher sarada se aproxima parece até que tão mostrando uma cruz e um alho para um vampiro. Eu ajo com a mesma prudência de quando eu dirijo. Ao ver uma mulher com seios e bumbum avantajado em minha direção, automaticamente aparece a placa de sinalização “Cuidado! Curvas perigosas”. Aí neste caso é o contrário de ▶


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